Dandy Curb Sack®
For the best results in gutter and curb inlet filtration,
the rugged, patented Dandy Curb Sack is extremely popular because it
can handle jobs big and small and can be reused again and again. With an
open-top design, it fits to any size gutter and curb inlet. Its
unique design allows it to filter sediment-laden water with ease. The
suspended solids are allowed to settle out of the slowed flow and are
captured quickly by the Dandy Curb Sack before entering the inlet. Once
you’ve tried the durable Dandy Curb Sacks, you’ll want to use them on
every job.
Get Maximum Benefits with Dandy
- Unique patented design keeps silt, sediment, and debris out of storm systems
- Conforms to shape of curb
- Fabricated from a high-visibility monofilament geotextile
- Reduces the need to flush/clean inlets
- Sizes to fit any curb inlet
- Available with optional oil absorbents
- Easy to install, inspect, and reuse, saving time and money
- Size: Up to 4' x 4'
Installation and Maintenance Guidelines
- Remove the grate from the catch basin and stand on end.
- Move the top by lifting strap out of the way and place the grate into the Dandy Curb Sack so that the grate is below the top straps and above the lower straps.
- Now position the top straps back in place so that they are on top of the grate.
- Grab top straps and carefully insert the Dandy Curb Sack into grate frame.
- Make sure cylindrical portion is up against the curb to prevent silt, sediment, and debris from entering inlet here.
- Remove all accumulated sediment and debris from vicinity of the unit after each storm event.
- After storm event and at regular intervals, look into the Dandy Curb Sack. If the containment area is more than 1/3 full of sediment, the unit must be emptied.
- To empty unit, simply lift the unit out of the inlet using the lifting straps and remove the grate.
- If using optional absorbents, replace absorbent pillow when near saturation.