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  • Safe Curve Speed Indicator


    SLOPE METER INC. Manufacturers of instruments that "Help you make the Grade" for over 60 years.

    Slope meters are accurate to 1 degree with a 1 second response. 3.5 x 8.5 x 1" Size. Aluminum cast.
    Mount on the dash in the operator's view for fast, accurate readings.

    SCSI Safe Curve Speed Indicator 

    The safe driving speed for any curve is quickly and accurately determined with the "SCSI" mounted in the engineer's car. The scale reads zero when the car is level, and will show "tilt" up to 25 degrees on each side. The scale is red beyond +/- 10 degrees to denote danger zones.

    The "SCSI" was designed by Slope-Meter in accordance with the specifications of the Minnesota Highway Dept. Traffic Division and is used nationwide by highway and traffic engineers.

    Mount one of two ways in a car or truck - on the dash or above the steering column. 

    • Range: 0 - 28 degrees
    • Accuracy: 1 Degree
    • Response: 1 Second
    • Size: 3.5 x 8.5 x 1"
    • Material: Aluminum Casting
    • Weight: 1.5 lbs

    Part # 5S0006 SCSI
    Ships in 2-3 days.

    Download Instruction Sheet.
